Friday, February 25, 2011

DIY Brooch Bouquet


I was really concerned about this project, considering it was all theoretical, I had never made one before, nor did I have directions or a tutorial. All in my head.
*aside: 90% of the brooches were my mother's and grandmother's. I purchased the rest on etsy, a few were mine (there's a rhinestone skull in there!) plus an owl Jason gave me.

Pictured here are a few of my tools and ingredients:
  • Fabric cut into strips
  • Styrofoam Ball, cut in half, and cored for bouquet base to fit
  • straight pins, scissors
  • and a TON of brooches, beads, buttons

Once much of the fabric strips were secured, I added a few "flowers" made of squares of fabric and straight pins. Then, the fun part. wire and stick all of the decor.

The final product:
click to enlarge any picture

* See Finished DIY Bouquet blog post for more photos!


  1. Replies
    1. I used approximately 75-100 pieces, some were buttons, beads, earrings, mostly to fill in areas. I used around 50-60 brooches. Thanks!

  2. The cable which is used as the bouquet? I did in my marriage to a pvc pipe, was wondering if there's something else, prártica more and more beautiful! rs

    Português: O que usou como cabo para o buquet? fiz um no meu casamento com cano pvc, queria saber se tem outra coisa, mais prártica e mais bonita! rs

  3. How did you attach it to the bouquet base?
